While newspapers may be in decline, It's false to say that they aren't important anymore. Newspapers can offer a snapshot of the world at different times. According to a blog post written by Mitchell’sNY, “newspapers remain the most time-honored medium through which news is delivered to people of all ages throughout the country” The front pages above are from two different newspapers saved in an archive. These two front pages are a snapshot of the Women's march, taken from The Washington Post and The Star-Advertiser. The layout of both newspapers is vastly different with The Washington Post’s Front page being much more put together and organized. In comparison the front page of The Star-Advertiser is much more eclectic, the page overlaps images and places text directly on top of images making the headline harder to read. The Washington Posts' front page draws the reader in by clearly separating the different stories on the front page and describing what is going on in the images via the caption.
[2 images, 1 link, 1 quotation, 167 words]