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The many views of the Ukraine war

There are certain facts about the Ukraine war that are indisputable- it's a tragedy, thousands of civilians are dead, and the infrastructure of the country has been pulverized. But there are other points that vary drastically depending on where you get your news from. Unlike most domestic issues where these articles usually deviate on a partisan basis, you have these opinions deviating more on the basis of the country where they originate from. We'll be looking at articles from CNN an American news site and the Global times a Chinese news site. The two sites both examine the cause of the war - the key difference is the immediate conclusion about whose responsible. The CNN article immediately identifies Russia as the actor who bears responsibility for the war. They use examples to build their case citing the cyberattacks Russia has conducted, and the rhetoric it has used about Ukraine being a part of Russia. The article from the Global Times has a similar focus however on a different target- laying the blame for the war at the feet of America. Their opening line itself makes their views extremely clear saying "As much as the US wants to portray itself as a "force for good," the world deserves a correct narrative of the Ukraine issue. For that purpose, we should look at the seven sins that the US has committed in this unfolding Ukraine crisis." This article also uses examples to drum up support for their views but looks back much further using historical examples from the Cold War. The language they use feels much more aggressive as well often times offering no other view other than America being the root cause of the problem. It's very interesting how the ties different countries have affected their views to the point they come to such different conclusions. The links to the two articles are

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