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The Power of a Year

The start of this decade was unforgettable, a lot happened in 2020 but Covid was the most impactful. So much, in fact, that most predictions that journalists had for the next year were mainly related to Covid. Despite Covid not going away, the predictions for 2022 had very

little to do with the virus, but for 2021 it was the star. A big issue was false information or "fake news" that was spread about the virus. Nobody knew who to trust and facts got melded with hysteria. Due to this, soem journalists believe that if they can't see their failures, then "even with all their commitments, 2021 won't be any different." The journalistic landscape was so chaotic that some journalists didn't see it calming down at all throughout the next year. However now that 2021 is over and we can reflect, the hysteria and "fake news" surrounding the virus has slowly dwindled leaving more room for journalism with integrity.

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