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The Public Rhetoric Behind Streetlights

Streetlights serve an essential purpose: they keep our streets lit to improve visibility for those driving late at night. Despite their name, though, streetlights aren't just installed on streets. They light up our parks, our walking paths, and anywhere else pedestrians may find themselves at night. In this case, streetlights aren't just for drivers, but for pedestrians' visibility, too. However, beyond just lighting our way, these streetlights also serve a rhetorical purpose. Streetlights make us feel safer. We find ourselves able to walk around at night not only because of the visibility that streetlights provide, but because of the feeling of safety they provide, too. This was reinforced to me by my neighbor, Mark Patterson, who says, "Just having a streetlight around makes me feel safer. Knowing that I can see what goes 'bump' in the night is a huge weight off my back." The rhetoric behind streetlights allows us the peace of mind we need to comfortably walk around at night.

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 162 words]


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