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The Unexpected Return of Past Habits

Senior Editorial Director for NPR, Tamar Charney, believes that people are beginning to go back to consuming daily news as we did in the past: in short and controlled intervals. Many years ago, people could read an entire newspaper or watch a full showing of televised news and feel confident that they are caught up with current events. Nowadays, "everything is designed to keep you gorging on it as algorithms serve up more and more news content picked just for you!" This is a problem in the modern day, as endless articles lead to hours upon hours of media consumption, and you still would not feel completely caught up with what was happening in the world. Charney remarks that "data suggests people are moving in the direction of more finite forms of news" again, with a growing interest seen from news podcasts and newsletters. So perhaps sometime later this year, or in the near future, consuming condensed forms of media will once again become all the rage.

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