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The Unknown Distinction: Of Our News Today

Have you ever downloaded a social media app just because everyone has it and then forgot about the app? Well, this is because smartphone users are ignoring most of their apps. After all, very few provide any real value. We as users aren't entertained as much, and the app only has our attention for a certain period unless we are really into its idea. Ben Leventhal, co-founder and chief executive (CEO) of Resy, a restaurant reservation app, says that apps need to be extraordinary to get users to pay or hold their interest. "The only apps I use are the ones that feel like magic, whether that means getting me a car or an impossible restaurant reservation in 30 seconds or allowing me to watch a news event halfway around the world in real-time," he says. "The apps that stay on my home screen are either profoundly useful or help me connect with the world." As we all know, we are all different, and our interests are invested in other things. In this case, Ben would instead be supported and have apps that benefit me as for me; I would rather things that constantly keep me up to date with the world and feel inclusive with everything that goes on daily in our country.

This post will explain and provide information on the two apps, Instagram and Facebook. Tying this piece back to the first paragraph, Instagram and Facebook are 2 of the most popular apps everyone has and uses, and some people may prefer to use one app more than the other as I use Instagram more than Facebook. I am not entertained as much on Facebook as I am with the Instagram app and have Facebook downloaded just because everyone has it downloaded. While both are the two most popular social media platforms, they have their fair share of differences on various fronts. Instagram is all about photos and videos; it's a photo-sharing application. Facebook is multifaceted, letting you do anything; you can create and join groups, shop, share photos and videos, create an event, and more with Facebook. Instagram is a neat app without much clutter, making it easy to navigate and work your way around. In contrast, Facebook, on the other hand, is a multi-purpose application with lots of features which makes it a little hard to process everything that's going on around Facebook.

Have you ever downloaded a social media app just because everyone has it and then forgot about the app? Well, this is because smartphone users are ignoring most of their apps. After all, very few provide any real value. We as users aren't entertained as much, and the app only has our attention for a certain period unless we are really into its idea. Ben Leventhal, co-founder and chief executive (CEO) of Resy, a restaurant reservation app, says that apps need to be extraordinary to get users to pay or hold their interest. "The only apps I use are the ones that feel like magic, whether that means getting me a car or an impossible restaurant reservation in 30 seconds or allowing me to watch a news event halfway around the world in real-time," he says. "The apps that stay on my home screen are either profoundly useful or help me connect with the world." As we all know, we are all different, and our interests are invested in other things. In this case, Ben would instead be supported and have apps that benefit me as for me; I would rather things that constantly keep me up to date with the world and feel inclusive with everything that goes on daily in our country.

This post will explain and provide information on the two apps, Instagram and Facebook. Tying this piece back to the first paragraph, Instagram and Facebook are 2 of the most popular apps everyone has and uses, and some people may prefer to use one app more than the other as I use Instagram more than Facebook. I am not entertained as much on Facebook as I am with the Instagram app and have Facebook downloaded just because everyone has it downloaded. While both are the two most popular social media platforms, they have their fair share of differences on various fronts. Instagram is all about photos and videos; it's a photo-sharing application. Facebook is multifaceted, letting you do anything; you can create and join groups, shop, share photos and videos, create an event, and more with Facebook. Instagram is a neat app without much clutter, making it easy to navigate and work your way around. In contrast, Facebook, on the other hand, is a multi-purpose application with lots of features which makes it a little hard to process everything that's going on around Facebook.

Instagram was mainly designed for memories, sharing, and generally having fun. The way the creator's built the app, I feel that this app delivers and is intended to influence many people. In my personal experience, Instagram is an influencing app! Instagram is all about the likes. For example, when a popular female or male gets a billion likes for certain things, it makes others want to get the same thing to achieve the same amount of likes. When the creators designed the app and made the gal of the app highly influenced when Instagram delivers news, whether locally or worldly, the information gives essential details. It breaks down the stations for everyone to be informed, and Instagram even has famous pages dedicated to local and earthly news! With my preference to keep up with the information and things that go on, I would use Instagram more than Facebook. Facebook is more of a higher-up business app that I do not use daily that has no use for me.

Works cited

Alford, Emily. "Why Do Smartphone Users Download Apps Only to Ignore Them?" ClickZ, 4 Nov. 2014,

Khillar, Sagar. "Difference between Facebook and Instagram." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 5 Apr. 2019,

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