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True or False?

False news is everywhere. The funny thing is that it is said to go around faster than actual truthful news. So how can this come to a stop? Believe it or not, there are people who are trying to come up with new ways on how to keep false news from spreading. Personally, I have encountered social media apps, such as Instagram, flagging posts that contain false information. While viewing a post that is believed to have untrue statements, a new screen pops up advising me that what I am reading contains false news, the image is completely blurred out until I acknowledge that, or there is letters under the post which warn about the post being fake. Similarly, in an article by BBC News, by Mike Wendling, he asserts that Facebook has begun to combat this issue by, "enlisting of the International Fact Checking Network." This means, that posts now go through a filter that will detect fake news. Users of these networks are now being protected from misinformation.

[ 1 image, 2 link, 1 quotation, 170 words]


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