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Truth in Technology

After reading Raney Aronson-Rath's take on "Turning Technology into an accelerant in Truth" on Niemlab, it got me thinking a little deeper. How much news are we reading that is truthful and how much is fake? So much of social media is news nowadays and we read it because we believe it comes from a reliable source but are we certain on that? How do we maintain the truth through ours news outlets? As said by Aronson-Rath, "In the year ahead, we’ll see more and more news organizations building coalitions and using sophisticated technology to help ensure that facts survive — and to expose those facts in the first place." We all went through the "fake news" debacle through former President Trump's term and either sided with all news companies are spewing fake information or real information. The truth is, we really can't know for sure. You can do extensive research looking into topics but who really has time for that? I believe in time there will be advanced searches to go through every topic if you would like to be able to the truth from the fake. Aronson-Rath also predicted that, "In the year to come, journalists must and will continue to collaborate and innovate in the service of helping facts survive and maintaining a shared reality." I hope this can become a reality so we know that the words we are being fed are actually truthful.


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