The war in Ukraine has not been mentioned in the news as much but that does not mean there are not still journalists reporting on it. Journalists reporting on the war going on in Ukraine use a pathos rhetoric to portray the horrors occurring in Ukraine. They include visuals that also help portray this message. Pictures in the articles are dusty with buildings town down and homes destroyed. Some of the journalists even include pictures with children or adults whose lives have been destroyed. According to the World UNICEF, this war is "leaving many without sufficient income to meet their basic needs and unable to provide adequate support for their children." All of these rhetorical strategies are there to effectively appeal to the pathos of the reader.
Here is a link to help support Ukraine!
Works Cited
“War in Ukraine: Support for Children and Families.” UNICEF, 14 June 2022,

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 140 words]