The interactive, point-and-click, 5 minute game by Nicky Case is an exhibition on the combative nature and reaction toward conflictive journalism flooding the news, powering social outrage. Your character starts as a point-and-click photographer to capture something interestingly newsworthy for the news cycle on TV, your photo is then displayed in the middle of the computer screen and ran as a news story. If your photo is deemed important, the characters in the game represented as the public will react to your news as information off of the public TV either negatively or positively. The violent stories you click to share feed off of each other and, as a result, feed the audience with the misinformation being perceived.

Nicky Case affirms her cause, stating "for years, I've thought about the crappy feedback loops that both the media and the audience are complicit in. But now, I had a way to present these loops visually." Her message illustrates the public's distrust in media, Pew Research Center reveals "63% of U.S. adults say that it's better if the public is skeptical rather than trusting of the news media." Although, "75% of U.S. adults say it is possible to improve the level of confidence Americans have in the news media." Journalist Nicky Case's message is one of resilience and hope, adding "our enemy isn't each other, it's the LOOPS of distrust
that we've fallen into."

[2 images, 3 links, 4 quotations, 232 words]