One issue faced amongst many journalists is the difference between community and audience engagement, and if there even is a difference. Ariel Zirulnick predicts in Niemlab's Predictions for Journalism 2022 journalists will finally "start treating them as distinct, complementary newsroom functions”. She states that "'audience engagement' and 'community engagement' have become so buzzy and overused that they’ve ceased to have clear meanings''. One step Zirulnick believes will help distinguish this change is by having journalists tell a story as if they are amidst the story, this will help with community engagement. There needs to be a set person who strictly works on community engagement, and many companies are already making this change. "The Philadelphia Inquirer recently hired its first senior editor for communities and engagement" (Zirulnick 1). Community engagement needs to be personal, and in some cases even 1:1. I believe this change will help the community feel more heard in the future.
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