When we look into journalism we can see a lot of confusion about the truth. Of course we all know fake news is an issue but what is going to happen with the journalists? Is there going to be a solution to the issue that is presented or are we going to continue to pollute the public with false information? "In 2020, investigative reporters around the world will keep doing their part too, working together to expose human rights violations and those systems that increase inequality. We’ve already seen examples of that in 2019, in Mexico, the Philippines, and Malta." While some reporters do provide false information there are plenty who promote the truth and share it with different media outlets. Specifically in 2020 many companies and reporters are going to focus on exposing those who don't provide the truth and in turn providing it themselves. I believe it is safe to say that the world is focusing on the issue of fake news more than they have in the past and even though it is a challenge right now, we are and will be taking actions against the fake information presented in the future.
(1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 195 words)