Journalist Marissa Evans predicts that 2021 will be a year of healing from the mass trauma that is affecting so many people across the globe. She notes that people are often intimidated by using the 't-word' to describe their reaction to events, but that we all must consider the massive list of horrifying things that happened last year. From the millions of lives lost in the pandemic, the emotional strain of being alone, the wildfires, the economic struggles, to the civil rights movement in June, we have all in some way been traumatized by 2020. She asks her fellow journalists to consider using their power to put these horrors into a community context and to allow us to take time to listen to the stories of those around us. She then stresses the importance that her coworkers are cautious in the ways that they deliver the news, stating that "It will also be important for newsrooms to prevent retraumatizing the people whose stories they’re trying to tell" (Evans). Marissa Evans explains that journalists have the power to begin the healing process for people as long as they are mindful of the work that they are publishing.
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