According to the Newseum, "November 2008, newspapers worldwide recorded the historic victory of Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race" as he was named the forty-fourth president of the United States of America. The visual rhetoric of the Anchorage Daily News captions Barack Obama making history as the first African-American president. The image of Obama is the center of the page, and shows his hand extended and a huge smile. It captures the excitement, and embodies the image of hope and change highlighted throughout his campaign. US flags are flying in the background in recognition of our country. However, for Obama, the flags represent traits that were constantly questioned: citizenship and patriotism. A photo of Sarah Palin, appearing to be crying, underneath Obama’s picture. Along with a red and blue map of the US identifying states where voting patterns and the national divide.
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 143 words]