Embedded war journalists put their lives on the line to report the most accurate stories they can from the front lines. But war is not the only source of fatalities among journalists. Ian Hargreaves discusses the dangers of reporters whose "work brings them into conflict with sources of power" in his book, Journalism: A Very Short Introduction. His sources record 600 fatalities in the decade previous to the writing of his book. He said that number doesn't include deaths among other media workers such as translators and researchers. Syria and Egypt were a big source of the fatalities during 2012-2013. A famous incident was the kidnap and beheading of Daniel Pearl, reporter for Wall Street Journal when he was working in Pakistan. And then the video was posted on the internet by the terrorist group responsible. Hargreaves contends that "Journalism continues to be a dangerous business as the powerful strike back." He tells about a Brazillian journalist who was murdered when leaving a barbecue. The reporter specialized in reporting police corruption. Dangerous business indeed.
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