Looks can be deceiving and sometime even the most beautiful gardens are simply nothing more than overgrown weeds. We often see this as a trend that is largely followed in ‘fake news’ and ‘trashy tabloids’, so how do we decide if what we are looking at is a beautiful garden or actual weeds? According to an article written by the New York times which states “Although the platforms are making some progress in their fight against misinformation, recent research by us and other scholars suggests that many of their tactics may be ineffective — and can even make matters worse, leading to confusion, not clarity, about the truth.” This leads me to believe that actually being able to determine the garden’s status is a lot harder than one originally perceived it to be. For now, the best way to garnish if what you are reading is true is to go back and check the facts.
[ 1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 166 words]