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American Newspaper versus Sweden


After taking a look at two newspapers on newseum, I decided to talk about a newspaper I found from the "Chicago Sun Times versus GT or GOTEBORGSTIDNINGEN". One of the newspapers is in fact from Chicago and the other is from Sweden. I decided to pick these two because the differences caught my attention. When you view the Chicago Sun Times, you will see the main headline of a breaking article on "Casey at the BET", in which the article gives information regarding a serious gambling crime committed by individual, Casey Urlacher, mayor of Mettawa, Illinois. Now although the headline is a serious crime, part of the font is in blue and then converts to black. When I think of a blue color, I think calm and soothing. When I look at this headline I think the writer was meant to calm the public, before giving them the blow of the seriousness behind the rest of the headline, that is in the black font color. Through the rest of the newspaper it is seen as very traditional, you will see a political campaign regarding Bernie versus Bloomberg on top of the newspaper, details about the weather, and even a advertisement for a up coming theater at the bottom of the page. The rest of the newspaper does have some definition of color, but typical the black and blue colored font. The Chicago Sun Times is very proud of the newspaper because it reads, "The Hardest Working Paper in America," this almost seems as a gimmick to outshine other newspaper companies.

After seeing the traditional sense of newspapers, I take a look at GT or GOTEBORGSTIDNINGEN. This newspaper seems a little loud. I can not understand the language of course, but as an individual just looking at this newspaper, I feel a sense of fake news on the cover page. I address fake news, because the newspaper does not seem like the traditional newspapers that I have seen. Usually traditional newspapers to me are in black font colors, with the headlines appearing larger, the articles are smaller. This newspaper has ranges of colors throughout font and layouts. It also appears to have snapshots of celebrities at the top of the page to capture the audience attention. The middle of the page seems to have a top article that appears to be actual news and it goes on to show other images that seem to signify actual news articles as well. Towards the bottom of the page their is also an advertisement, but it is promoting alcohol. This is very different to a newspaper wanting to show off an advertisement of the arts.

In Conclusion, I feel that the newspaper from GT or GOTEBORGSTIDNINGEN from Sweden is almost trying to put everything in their newspaper whether it is actual news versus topics of celebrities and they try to gimmick the audience into reading with the bright colors font and background. This is very different to the traditional newspaper that I have seen such as the Chicago Sun Times Newspaper , in which it has some of the more mainstream background and colors. In my personal opinion, I would feel like I was reading more of a entertainment magazine if I wanted to read the Sweden newspaper. I would not feel like it was genuine.

Works Cited

[2 links, 2 images, 1 quotation, 577 words]

Chicago Sun Times Newspaper

Published by Chicago, Ill. USA.

Friday, February 21, 2020.


Goteburg, Sweden

February 21, 2020




Questions? Please email: scheney   at  collin  dot   edu

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