On social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat, they are mostly used for personal updates but also provide access to global updates. Snapchat and Instagram use the story aspect of the platform to relay more recent and personal news updates. There is also the explore (Instagram) and discover (Snapchat) pages section in both apps which allow the user to be connected to the more public accounts that you might not follow already. While in this area of the app there are visual aspects that draw the user’s attention. Snapchat uses vertical images of videos with headlines and once clicked play the video with a few short ads throughout the video. While Instagram simply shows the picture of the post and once clicked on the caption also. Ads only appear periodically as you scroll through your feed.
Snapchat changed some of the rules for its Discover page in 2017 saying they want to “empower our editorial partners to do their part to keep Snapchat an informative, factual, and safe environment for everyone,” said Rachel Racusen (who works for Snapchat).
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