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Apple News: The "Free" News App

Shelby Clingan

When someone buys an iPhone, there are a number of apps that are automatically downloaded. One of these apps is called "News," which developed by the Apple company. This app does have some free content, but there is also some content that is only available for Apple News Plus.

When viewers are in the app, there is a specific location where the "free" content and the Plus content are available. However, some of the subscription only content gets mixed into the "free" section. This, of course, is no accident. It is a marketing technique developed to persuade people to pay for their service. This can lead to some frustration among customers because they are not able to view a story they found interesting. Also, the subscription does not have very many newspapers. Instead, it consists mainly of magazines.

When the CEO of Apple presented this new service, he explains that the goal of it would be to create "the feeling of being at the newsstand." However, this new service doesn't offer many newspapers, which creates a pretty large discrepancy in this plan. When this subscription service first came out, there were over 300 major magazines available, but there were only 3 major newspapers.

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