“Communication proficiency must be taught in a digital product context to prepare students with relevant and desirable skills, regardless of job title," says Cindy Royal a professor and director of the Media Innovation Lab at Texas State University. Kindergarten to high school we are constantly meeting and interacting with new people. It would be impossible to graduate without communicating it simply isn't possible. We are constantly exchanging information with people around us and to our selves. Digital media programs ensure a career once graduated, but instead of preparing students for jobs, why not give them skills that are currently in-demand. Students would require good communication skills, the ability to learn from mistakes, and problem-solving skills. These skills sound like a lot but in reality, these skills can be easily attained through practice. When you are attending university and are planning on helping others via digital media it may seem unusual to practice for something that you may not be doing often, communicating. In reality, you would be communicating through the screen. All in all, in-demand skill sets and jobs gained through degree may seem like two different things entirely, but they are more closely related and necessary than most realize.