The way news feeds are experienced varies throughout the different social media apps today. One of the most popular apps that people get their news from is Twitter. By clicking on Twitter’s “Explore” tab, you can see the top stories that are trending right at that moment. These top stories might vary from person to person due to Twitter’s algorithm, but for the most part, the most trending stories are trending for everyone. By scrolling down, you can then see smaller stories and hashtags that are more personalized for you based on Twitter’s algorithm. In a blog post by Katie Sehl, she describes Twitter’s timeline as “An algorithm-powered feed organized by ranking signals.” (Sehl 1). The “ranking signals” include elements such as recency, engagement, and if the topic is of interest to the user or not. The full blog post can be found here, .
The two photos included show my Twitter explore page versus my friend’s. You can see that they slightly differ due to our personal interests being reflected to Twitter.
[2 images, 1 link, 1 quotation, 172 words]
