Through Joanne McNeil's prediction for 2020 is the potential for blogs. In her excerpt, she begins talking about her enjoyment of newsletters, being able to read several in one sitting. Then, she says, "it's great. it's like reading blogs." She proceeds to glamorize the idea of a blog with the uniqueness of it in today technology. We as a society have been driven by instantaneous news and readings. Because of this, a more personal touch with an upload schedule for the posts would be either a nice new or a hint of nostalgia when blogs were common. Another one of McNeil's reasoning behind the potential for blogs is the scarcity of it today. In her words, she states, "One reason we might see a resurgence of blogs is the novelty. Tell someone you’re starting a new newsletter and they might complain about how many newsletters (or podcasts) they already subscribe to. But tell them you’re launching a blog and see how that goes:Huh. Really, a blog? In 2020? Wow." This section makes perfect sense in a time where trends from the past are resurfacing like the use of film, vintage fashion, furniture, hairstyles, and whatnot. The potential for blogs is definite in 2020. Whether to inform others or for personal stories, blogs are coming back.
[1 image, 2 quotes, 2 links, 216 words]