As a movie pertaining to journalism, and especially the negative effects that come with being a female in journalism, I felt that this was an interesting topic to talk about, because it relates to a lot of my personal interests, and what future I had envisioned myself.

While I want to one day get into film specifically, college is where I will really be investing my time into multimedia journalism. I will be working behind the scenes, behind the camera, and broadcasting, while others will be in front of the screen anchoring, or writing, or producing or whatever their heart desires. However, there is still the potential that I end up in that field, and I wasn’t worried about it previously, but the movie did scare me a little. This could happen in any field, but it’s sad that such a big issue just happened in something I am so involved in at the moment.
Because of this, I interviewed one of my friends in my journalism class who wants to one day be an anchor for a news broadcast, and also got to see the movie Bombshell.
“I thought it was very raw,” Yael Even said. “Especially since writing is one of my biggest passions it’s scary thinking that it could be ruined by actions of assault. However it’s good that movie was made, hopefully that’s not the reality anymore, but it’s definitely something I will have to be cautious of in the future, despite how sad of a reality that is.

I related a lot to Yael. It for sure is a very scary thing to see happen. And of course, it makes me worried for all the people I know going into journalism fields. However, I do know that fear shouldn’t stop people from pursuing their passions. And also, while this was a horrible event that happened in journalism, I chose to believe that there is more good in the world than bad, and it is a journalist's job to share the bad.
Overall, I hope that more people can watch this movie and see the reality of what happened at FOX news not all too long ago, but I also want everyone to know the good in speaking up for yourself and being your own person.
[2 images, 1 link, 1 quotation, 380 words]