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Breaking-news Culture

Journalism is competitive. Over the years, breaking-news culture has caused journalists to release content as quickly as possible, fearing that another journalist will beat them to it. Unfortunately, news sources are losing the public’s trust because their content is not comprehensive enough to reach a broader audience, especially minority groups. Imaeyen Ibanga asserts that news sources must “listen to the people [journalists] so often ignored and be unafraid of being challenged” (Ibanga).

Ibanga’s article points out the fact that reporters tend to go to the same communities and talk to the same people for their inspiration. As a result, other communities are neglected in the process because these are the people whose “voices the industry has chosen not to amplify” (Ibanga). To put news into better context, reporters need to acknowledge “uncomfortable truths and history” by expanding who and where they choose to get their information from (Ibanga). Doing more research in these underrepresented communities will slowly but surely help news sources gain the public’s trust back.

[1 image, 3 quotations, 2 links, 166 words]

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