Brian Krebs is a journalist and also an investigative reporter. As a reporter he usually covers topics that have to deal with cyber criminals and how they try to seek profits by breaching computer security systems. He tells how he got into this line of work in an article on his website He says "The short answer is “by accident,” "It wasn’t until 2001 — when my entire home network was overrun by a Chinese hacking group — that I became intensely interested in computer security. I had been monkeying with a default installation of Red Hat Linux (6.2) on an old Hewlett-Packard system, because for some reason I had it in my head that it would be fun to teach myself how to turn the spare computer into an over sized firewall [ah, the irony]. That is, until the Lion Worm came around and locked me out of my system. Twice." He goes on by talking about the means and why he got into this business. He is now 47 years old and lives happily with his wife Jennifer.

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