Due to the global pandemic that has taken over the nation, there has been in increase in what is known as bulk supplying. This increase is caused by citizen's fears of national lockdowns, resulting in the possibility of running out of household supplies with no way to restock. In most cases, only well off families are able to participate in this kind of supplying, leaving the financially troubled families with nothing to buy. Hundreds of mothers have come forward in tears because they are not able to feed, change, or bath their children, because there are no more supplies to do so in the stores. Not everyone can afford to buy 10 boxes of diapers at a time, and if multiple families are doing this in hopes to stock up, there will be nothing left for families in need. It's understandable that all families are scared, but only buy what you need. Think of others during this hard time, there is enough for everyone, like there always has been.
