It has been a year since the being of the lockdown and pandemic and things seem to be pushing more to normalcy. It is weird to think that we have been living with the multiple CDC guidelines for a year. Now that more and more people are talking about the stoppage of wearing masks, I found it interesting to see what people thought about it. Places like “California plan to lift most COVID-19 restrictions June 15” and other plan to lift sooner (Macias 1). I talked to my Mom first as she works in health care, and she said that she "will still wear a mask as [she] does not think the pandemic is over and wants to protect others". This claim makes since to her as she is around COVID-19 a lot. I wanted to get another side of what people thought, so I asked my dad. He claimed that "people need to get back to normalcy and it is not going to just happen on its own". Both responses are backed up from what they believe and what they have experienced. This question truly is debatable depending on who you ask.
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