Twitter is a social media source that a lot of people rely on for information, entertainment, and to spread their voice. In fact, it seems to be an important source for a lot of journalist to get their evidence today.

A lot of journalist use this as an easy way to find evidence and gain credit but it is actually doing the exact opposite. If anything the journalist are giving away their credit and Twitter is getting all of the fame. Not only does the use of social media "undermine public trust", but it is ruining the journalists credit because they have "come to rely on Twitter so powerfully that they treat tweets as if they are already verified and in need of no further journalistic processing." Although there is a mutual dependency between Twitter and the journalist, the journalist need to wake up and see what is actually happening. 2020 is the year of independent journalism, of deep-thoughts and solid credited research, and of a new era for journalist to shine without the codependency of social media apps... ESPECIALLY Twitter.
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