Veles, a small town in Macedonia has a very unique major export: Fake News. They have gotten so into producing fake news for Americans that they have their own "Click bait coach". He tells his students that the trick to an exciting and compelling story is adding on to one that already exists. However, in most of the fake news I have come across they have relied largely on ethos. They plan to get you to click on their article by writing a story about a very famous person and using their name in the headline to draw the readers eyes. Either way, fake news sites like ABCnews.com.co are making American elections much more complicated.
“The Fake News Machine: Inside a Town Gearing up for 2020.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, money.cnn.com/interactive/media/the-macedonia-story/.
( 1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 138 words )