“A generation of young journalists was raised in front of computer screens, copying and pasting stories for quick successes in clicks and reach.” Says Alexandra Borchardt a senior research associate with the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford. Younger journalists are sticking their heads into a computer screen instead of putting the laptop down and creating journalism out of, well, a journal. This is a clever topic only because of its hugely biased counterclaim. Gathering information on topics everyone is talking about is as easy as typing on a keyboard. This is a rather dull argument. It can be said that going the extra mile and capturing the news when it happens is far more valid than an internet article. The work is there on the website, sure, but it may be far from trustworthy. Journalists are becoming lazy and the consequences are becoming apparent. The "latest" news is now a thing of the past, and people want everything instantly. Unfortunately, stories are only stories if someone can tell them. And in this day in age that could very well be anyone.