California is such a large state and with that it brings many different cultures. This is such a beautiful thing. Only thing is that when it comes to the newspapers within a certain community it seems similar. Using the same headlines and just changing a couple of different stories and sponsorship but that’s it. World Journal is great place to be able to read multiple front-page newspapers from all across the nation. So, I did that and found 2 almost identical papers from California just one is from San Francisco and the other is Los Angeles. The fact that these are separated by over 350 miles and yet have a paper that is copied. Now this may have to be with who published it first but to see the same thing in a different city is bizarre. Take a look and tell me that they weren’t copied and pasted. Why is this story so worth coping do a different location? I won’t know until I do more research but until then seems like a good deal at the bottom of the Los Angeles paper you might want to check out!
[1 image, 3 links, 190 words]
