With the recent outbreak of corona, it seems as if the entire community is shutting down. All families have been told to quarantine themselves unless they need to buy groceries or go to work at their essential business. Most businesses have also been forced to shut down leaving the majority of workers unemployed. Some workers have even switched to working from home. Students have also been affected, in that their education has been moved to online. I spoke with a student from Allen High School, to find out how she has adapted. "I have struggled but I found it to become easier by making a schedule and by evenly distributing my workload throughout the week to prevent me from becoming overwhelmed," states student, Zoe Whalon. Overall this has been a very different experience for all of us. Even though quarantine is boring, there are ways to keep busy. You can cook, exercise, talk to friends through technology or even go on a walk. Quarantine might be a hassle but it is very important to stay home so this outbreak can come to an end.

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