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Genevieve Chong

Daily Mail VS. CNN

To begin and make thing clear I am referring to the to the news that Daily Mail provide and/or displayed on Snapchat and the news app CNN The Daily mail's news is is anything a gossip column or news about celebrities with some real world news in there as well but out of the fifteen stories there would probably like three real world stories shown. On the Daily Mail can immediately see the most intriguing stories pop up first mainly over actors, singers and later after you have passed "Kim punches Kourtney", they then will see a bullied dwarf that has made headlines around the world. While on the other hand CNN strictly stays to real world new important topic someone should probably know that day again such as "Trump puts Pence in charge of US corona virus response" which is critical information people need to know over a deadly virus that has reached the US. CNN also knows that putting a topic such at the corona virus will catch the readers eye unlike other news. Overall both news outlets definitely know what to display for their demographic and how to work the "system".

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