Going on to the 12th day for covid-19 updates dallas corona cases have spiked drastically . The news came the same day new cases again topped out in the state at 5,489. It was the first time the daily case count had surpassed 5,000. now county judges are telling businesses to either close down or limit to 10 people or less , which businesses started losing money the governor made a decision to tell judges to back down feom making those decisions only the governor can make the calls now . The updates from corona fox 4 news states that bars ,restaurants , and child care services are the main reason now for corona virus spikes and a lot of companies are firing back because they feel attacked and feel as if the government doesnt have actual proof for saying there the cause of the spike . After doing good for a couple months , and now going back downhill for covid cases states including texas , florida , and California are ordered to stay in what ever state traveled to for 14 days for safe quarantine so be careful and have extra money if u plan on traveling from these states .
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