Link 1 Fox news website: https://www.foxnews.com/
Link 2 Google news website: https://news.google.com/topstories?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en
These are the two website homepages for Fox news and Google news. There is a noticeable difference between these two news websites. For Fox News, the website is more image-oriented, that those images are what viewers see at first. This is a great strategy to draw fast attention since we tend to respond to pictures faster than words. Fox News did a great job categorizing stories in different sections. By making the main story in a big section, for example, “Silicon Valley giants under fire…” is in the center section, and in bold text, viewers will tend to see that story first. Also, with all the images, the homepage for Fox news is still clean and organized. For the Google news, the homepage expresses a minimalistic approach to sharing news. Not many pictures are shown and not many words as well. The reason is that Google news does not tell stories or share its point of view on behalf of the company on its website. Instead, the Google news website serves as collectors of different news sources for the same story. Therefore, viewers can decide which source to click into a particular story. This way of sharing information attracts viewers who want to know more about a specific story but are not willing to open ten news websites to find out. This quick and easy way of accessing information may suit the current trend of news consumption well.
[2 images, 2 links, 1 quotation, 238 words].