Fake news is extremely common today. Hundreds of rumors, conspiracy theories, and false information is spread across the internet every single day. Many platforms such as YouTube and Facebook try to put a stop to the misinformation, but newer social networks such as TikTok have a harder time catching and erasing fake news. The one prominent example that revealed itself around the beginning of January 2021 is the rumor that Kanye West was cheating on wife Kim Kardashian with makeup influencer Jeffree Star. This was proven to be false, but a user on TikTok named Ava Louise. She falsified a story that in the moment, seemed quite possible. Ava used actual facts, like how Jeffree and Kanye had houses in the same neighborhood in Wyoming, and even brought up prior claims that Jeffree himself had made. It also had recently come out that the couple was considering divorce, so fans falsely put two and two together. The question is, why would Ava Louise do this? What was her motive? The answer is: fame. "She used the story to get fans to notice her and boost her following." This one rumor could have completely ruined a family. People are hungry for fame, but it should not get to this level. It is extremely unethical, disrespectful, and unfair.
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