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Hana Ajdin

Disinformation is the New Information

Fake news and us readers being misinformed is almost like the new normal of this era am I right? With apps like twitter being present during times like this anything someone tweets can be taken literally by someone else behind a phone screen reading it, you can't hear humor in someones voice through a tweet. For instance, "Fake news and false rumors reach more people, penetrate deeper into the social network." A lot of people will use their own so claimed "experiences" that come with no proof with their 160 characters and most readers that come across these tweets will think they have to be true since someone broadcasted it, and this isn't the case. Due to these people using false experiences they created in their head and sharing them, it reaches a lot of people by making readers feel as if they can be a victim of something like this too. In other words, sometimes people like to be disonformed with certain news they come across one day on twitter in order to be correctly introduced or informed about a certain subject. [1 link, 1 image, 1 quote, 185 words]

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