The very first quote that caught my attention was Tonya Mosely’s. Her quote was “every person of color in your newsroom has a story about how a manager questioned either their news judgment, their diction, or whether they could be neutral or objective.” Her boss questions her ability to be neutral and objective of a police officer shooting a black man. This brings into question the racial disparities that are present. The baseline in newsrooms is that “flawed way of thinking also assumes that white journalists have a neutral point of view.” This is not true in diversifying news companies we need to allow the differing views of a situation to dictate the articles and columns that are written. The ideas that we need are that no one’s article is truly unbiased and “ that your news will look and sound different.” These differing aspects will create stronger arguments and improve racial walls that are wrong and unnecessary.
[1 image, 1 links, 3 quotations, 157 words]