With political journalism in the United States “largely driven by elites, written by elites, and consumed by elites,” it is finally seen that this system is quite problematic in 21 first century journalism (Anderson 2020). When looking at this system, it seems fragile when it relies on a group of people who only care about their self-interest, leading to a problem that journalists will have to fight through in our society. With “the elite system that once powered journalistic operations in democratic states has turned against itself,” writers will now have to turn to a new form of reporting and “choose between their values and what they see as their duty to report the positions and statements of those in positions of political power” (Anderson 2020). These journalists will have to see if they have learned a more “liberating” or a more “radical” lesson from the past four years and use this lesson to counter new dangers facing them in this new era.
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