A dilemma of great divide faces journalism today; whether to abandon former methods of appealing to large audiences at once in favor of appealing to individual groups to increase representation, or to focus current journalism into a format that educates the public.
Cristina Kim believes that "...when we make audio news and content... for an imagined 'everybody,' we're just making it for white, cisgender, heterosexual audiences of a particular class and education..." (Kim) Cristina Kim argues that because journalism has attempted to encapsulate all of the populace under a handful of formats and styles, certain minority groups are left without representation or media that appeals to them. Because of this, journalism, "...must get specific about who we're failing to serve..." and, "...must become more polyphonic, multivocal, and many-centered." (Kim)
Jeremy Olshan, on the other hand, believes it is journalism's moral responsibility to, "...help readers translate all that information into knowledge." and that, "All journalism should be service journalism." (Olshan) The industry now faces a quandary as it grows; to increase representation, or to change their role to educate the public?