Twitter is a massively popular social media platform, especially for younger individuals. The site offers a lot of flexibility in the way individuals can post. Whether through images, links, or even just text alone, the site allows its users to express themselves in many ways. Twitter is also a great place to catch up on trends and news. The site uses hashtags as a way of filtering the content into categories for trends to grow from. This allows events and groups to make a hashtag so people can find posts about that event or group much easier. The site also has its own section called explore that shows what is trending currently around the world. This allows people to see things like news and events going on all around the world. According to the Pews Research survey, though Twitter had a smaller number of said users, the site had a large percentage of users who claim to use the site for news. "That puts it on par with Twitter, which has a smaller user base (16% of U.S. adults) but a larger portion getting news there." Twitter is a great all-around social media platform that allows individuals to catch up on trends and events.
[1 image, links, 1 quotation, 204 words]