Last Thursday, Facebook in Australia went all over the news and social media about the banning of news sources on Facebook. This did not allow anyone from Australia to post links or to even post anything on their Facebook page and that it has been restricted for anything to be published from their accounts. Australians have felt as if it was unfair that their accounts were being affected one by one and that it has been harder to get information on anything, " Critics of Facebook say the company's ban on news appearing on its platform in Australia has made it more difficult for people to access reliable sources - and increased the influence of bad and misleading information" (BBC). Slowly, they saw everything getting blocked out on Facebook which made the app useless to them. Many professional users of Facebook or organizations did not appreciate this ban due to most of their clients staying in contact with them through Facebook groups and chats. This has caused a big issue for the Facebook users in Australia to stay on board with everything that is happening or that is going to happen.
[1 image, 1 quote, 1 link, 189 words]