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Tahsin Raidah

Facebook vs. Twitter

Social media has become an integral part of our life now. Among different social media, Twitter and Facebook are very popular. Many of us prefer to get our news from social media now. To get a better understanding as to which provides more accurate news, I scrolled through both Facebook and Twitter. On my Twitter feed, I usually saw tweets that were popular, trending, and had a lot of retweets whereas on my Facebook newsfeed I see the kind of news that I have liked before. Facebook embeds news on our feed that matches our interest and Twitter embeds news that is trending. Twitter’s mission statement is “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without any barriers”. It uses hashtags to focus on the key facts and helps people to connect globally. There are “five rhetorical strategies for unique promo texts on Facebook: adding emojis, posing questions, making requests, expressing emotions, and stating subjective points of view.” These things prove that Twitter is a better source of information.,stating%20subjective%20points%20of%20view.

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