Amazon. Jeff Bezos. Trillionaire. It is almost unthinkable to imagine a trillion dollars. And yet, according to Business Insider, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is on track to become the world’s first trillionaire by 2026. (https://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-bezos-on-track-to-become-trillionaire-by-2026-2020-5)
However, there has been heated debates on whether this is ethically and morally correct to have that large sum of money in the possession of one person.
Most notably, a debate about Yemen.
Thanks to social media, a movement has begun spreading awareness about a famine and lack of proper healthcare in Yemen. In a single tweet, a brand new debate was sparked:
“Jeff Bezos is worth 156.6 billion. The UN requires just 4 billion to stop famine in Yemen and provide healthcare services. He has enough wealth to fund this several times over and still be the world’s wealthiest man. The existence of billionaires is a stain on humanity.”
The tween claimed that Bezos, being the richest man in the world, could easily stop an entire famine in another country by simply donating a fraction of his money, only 2.5% of his fortune. With so many problems in the world, many people, on social media especially, feel that it would be worth it to mitigate at least one.
The existence of billionaires is a stain on humanity.
[1 images, 1 quotations, 1 link, 220 words]