Fact-Checking is important especially in the world of journalism, as most of the general public relies on journalism for information on the hot topics going around. More than not, fact-checking is used to dispel confusion about so-called "fake news", spread awareness about a topic often glossed over because of political ignorance, and even bring justice to those who have misled the public intentionally.

According to Lucas Graves, an assistant professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin, "Too often our expectations for fact-checking reflect what could be called the Scooby-Doo model of political accountability" and that "accurate information rarely settles political questions on its own... The facts unearthed by reporters and other watchdogs are a resource for public action...". While fact-checking may not solve political issues alone, it will allow the public to make more educated decisions about those topics in the long run.
“A Smarter Conversation about How (and Why) Fact-Checking Matters.” Nieman Lab, www.niemanlab.org/2019/12/a-smarter-conversation-about-how-and-why-fact-checking-matters/.
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 150 words]