Fake news and media disinformation has been going on for as many years as I could remember but the term “fake news” really gained popularity during the 206 Presidential election when President Donald Trump towed with the term when media outlets like CNN and MSNBC would purposely disinform their viewers to thinking a certain way. Through my research on this topic, disinformation is spread through an emotional appeal to viewers when these news outlets gain people’s trust through their hearts. In th research article by Science Advances called “Evaluating the fake news problem at the scale of the information ecosystem” they explain the impacts of disinformation into the general public. “We assembled a unique dataset that drew on three different sources to capture consumption across the two principal modes of news production, TV and online, where we integrate total consumption across the modes by demographic bucket.” Whatever the case may be, Fake News is prevalent and people will always fall for it.
[1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 162 words].