False journalism, often branded as "fake news" is a very real and prevalent issue in present society. Whether it's downright blasphemy or simply an article stretching the truth, it is hard to know what is truly fact and fiction in today's world. This misinformation is usually spread on social media, where posts can be shared and spread like wildfire. Trend Micro ran a study to find how fast fake news can be spread around twitter (https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/pl/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/fake-news-cyber-propaganda-the-abuse-of-social-media). From this study, they found that " A journalism account with 12,000 that spreads fake news can reach over 55,000 people in the span of a 4 week coming ycle due to comments and reposts.". Knowing these numbers, it is always important to not base an opinion off of the first thing you read online, as well as be willing to find multiple opinions and posts on the same topic.

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