Fake News: Always a Problem. Fake News is something that has been around far longer than the term itself being polarized during Donald Trump’s 2015-2016 run for presidency, and the reason is obvious. Humans have always been deceptive and full of trickery, and deceiving the general public, whether it be for political reasons or for just the mere joy people get from “trolling”. The Conversation talks about this, and how even the Ancient Greeks had to deal with fake news, among what today are considered great thinkers. They write, “Homeric fake news doomed the citizenry of Athens to war and decline. Salvation depended on the people dis-enthralling themselves. Survival entailed embracing the logos and adopting a science of society.” https://theconversation.com/fake-news-was-a-thing-long-before-donald-trump-just-ask-the-ancient-greeks-155867
