As someone who browses the internet on the daily either for work or leisure, I have come across my fair share of clickbait news articles and sensationalist stories meant to mislead. While on the surface it looks like just stupid, fake articles meant to catch your attention, looking at it from the inside allows one to see that there is a lot of sketchy activity that goes on with these news sites.

"Today it isn't just cyber criminals that are utilizing clickbait."
The whole purpose of these ridiculous advertisements is to make as much money as possible by having as many clicks as possible. These websites host a wide variety of advertisements that come from brands or companies looking for more exposure. A crazy news article gathers a lot of clicks which gathers a lot of exposure to the advertisers, thus racking in money for both parties. Ultimately, it is a waste of time for the consumer. Not only is the article providing bogus information that serves no purpose, but the companies seeking that ad exposure typically are not very reputable and just want to sell whatever they can. If you want to save yourself a lot of time and headache, go ahead and download a good Ad-blocker. You'll be glad you did.
[1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 213 words]