Fake news is everywhere and you can't get rid of it like a virus that keeps coming back. After reading an article by Intelligencer that discusses the 60 Minutes interview that President Trump participated in October 2020, I could not help but question the credibility of the article. This was due to the fact that the article uses bits and pieces of the interview to create a false and negative narrative of what actually happened. This is most prominent in when the author uses a bit from a twitter post someone posted. This is seen when interviewer, Lesley Stahl asks President Trump, "Are you okay with hard questions?" Trump said, "no I am not". This shows no context as to what went on afterwards. The article uses soundbites to create a negative narrative to convince readers that the president did not want to answer hard questions. Now what actually happened was Stahl asked him, "are you okay with hard questions?" and trump replied with, "you're going to be fair, just be fair."
[1 image, 2 links, 3 quotation, 172words].